UK Politics, Liz Truss & Conservative Ideology

Yesterday I came across the following YouTube video on the UK and its new Prime Minister, Liz Truss. Whilst we all need to be careful of content found on the Internet it does show and raise serious issues with the trends being seen there.

It is interesting to note that I have observed the same thing occurring in Australia since my return to my homeland in 2018 after living in the US from 2012 to 2018. It is also happening elsewhere throughout the world and is an extremely worrying trend. In my observations since I started more closely following US and global politics in 2012 , Conservatism has been moving more and more towards fascist, authoritarian regimes driven by more and more oligarch funding.

Conservative forces are much more organized, far better funded and more adept at spreading their net far and wide. And all their major figures, dare I say puppets, in government are so very well versed and schooled in delivering their narrative and rhetoric in a forceful and believable manner, at least on the surface. Not to mention playing on the fears of the ignorant and uninformed. However, when it is picked apart it fails miserably.

The mainstream media has been and still is complicit in this by not calling it out. The reasons the MSM do not do so is clearly due to the power, influence and control that is also wielded over them by conservative forces, not the least of which is the Rupert Murdoch “news” empire. More and more “news” outlets appear to be falling under the influence of people like Murdoch.

Sadly, far too many people on the outside looking in, that is, most of us, do not have the skills or even the inclination to objectively analyze the narratives and rhetoric advanced by conservative power brokers and they are skilled in playing this to the max.

As the presenter points out, the left in the UK languish far behind in terms of promoting their cause to appeal to the broadest audience and to effectively call out conservatives for their propaganda. It is the same here in Australia and is also seen even more clearly in the US where the Democrats have been their own worst enemy for a long time now. And we saw recently the rise to power of a far right leader in Italy! And there is little if any sign of this phenomenon changing.

People really need to become involved en masse to challenge these forces. Failure to do so will only see inequality, economic instability and human suffering rise. The longer that goes on for the harder it will be to rein it in let alone turn it around. I fear, though, that we are rapidly approaching a tipping point whereby it will be next to impossible to recover from.

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